Health and safety are basic human rights. Undocumented Californians also have the legal right to use public services to protect all health and safety. In our current political climate, immigrant patients and communities have expressed fears in accessing daily activities for fear of deportation for themselves or a family member. Community health centers (CHCs) continue to serve as active advocates for their patients’ healthcare rights. The following resources can help CHCs create a safe environment for their immigrant patients and staff.


Understanding Your Rights and Protecting Your Community

January 29, 2025 | 2:00 PM Pacific
Hosted by National Immigration Project

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Immigration Policies at Health Centers 

February 10, 2025 | 2:30 PM Pacific
Hosted by CPCA & Feldesman Leifer


NEW: Employers’ Rapid Response Team for DHS (877-483-7781)

  • Provides immediate legal counsel when a raid occurs, assist with documentation and compliance review, and provide post-raid support and strategy assistance.

NEW: California Rapid Response Networks | CA Immigrant Policy Center

  • A collection of resources gathered from partners in California and across the country to help organizations working to protect and defend immigrant communities.


  • Available in 16 languages, this app will read your rights out loud to an ICE or law enforcement agent and send a message to an emergency contact. Other resources include the ability to look up a consulate and a sample family preparedness plan. 

NEW: Protecting Locations from Immigration Enforcement | Children Thrive Action Network

  • This factsheet explains the protected areas policy, the laws that currently apply to these areas, and the steps advocates and communities can take to help immigrants maintain access to essential community spaces and services.

NEW: Messaging Guide: Immigration Enforcement in Sensitive Locations/Protected Areas | Children Thrive Action Network

  • Messaging guide to help providers understand what they can do to continue protecting the community amidst the rescission of the Protected Areas Policy.

NEW: Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policy | National Immigration Law Center 

  • This factsheet explains the protected areas policy, the laws that currently apply to these areas, and the steps advocates and communities can take to help immigrants maintain access to essential community spaces and services.

NEW: Caring for Health Center Patients 2025 and Beyond | Feldesman Training Solutions

  • In this webinar, Feldesman attorneys will provide an overview of the legal and compliance considerations related to providing care for both documented and undocumented foreign nationals.

UPDATED: Immigration Guidance and Policy Templates for Health Centers | CPCA

  • Guidance for health centers on establishing clear protocols in case of potential interactions with federal immigration agents or law enforcement.

Office of the Attorney General

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For questions, please email or contact Andrea Amavisca, Deputy Director of Government Affairs at (916) 440-8170.